Friday, June 14, 2013

Jennifer's Favorite "Missed Things" List!

Welcome to my first Favorite "Missed Things" List. Now, you may be wondering what exactly this is... Well its real simple, after realizing how many things I miss... I figured I would make a list. I'm good at listing and I can better elaborate on list rather than talking about single subjects. And of course, there are so many things that I miss in this day and age that either doesn't seem that relevant anymore or.... people really just don't care as much as they used to. Its a fact that, as we get older and technology advances we ---humans---are getting lazier. That's right, I said it. Although we don't like to admit it much, we as humans are advancing in technology and culture (and etc.) but we are also taking so many shortcuts that we are no longer as personable as we were. I know there will be people who will read this and have so much to say about that but I've gone off topic. So here it is... a list of my favorite things, that I miss dearly....

Snail Mail - I had to talk about this first. There's nothing like getting a piece of paper, letter, or package in the mail. I mean, HELLO, how have we strayed away. Its like waiting for Santa to bring you presents! From telegrams to snail mail to email to messenger to chat to social media. Yes, the internet gives us the ability to connect with everyone and their mothers on so many levels but getting a physical handwritten or heck! even typed mail. For all that effort to go into something simple as a "hello, how are you?" Well, there's just nothing like the feeling you get when you feel appreciated.

TGIF (Friday line-up family shows) - Who remembers waiting for Fridays, and clearing your schedule for the evening so you could gather around the tv with the family to watch your favorite shows?? Ah TGIF... Full House, Step-By-Step, Family Matters....I remember being to anxious to see what was going to happen on the new episode. Unlike popular TV shows today, it seems every show has a continuing story. Which of course, makes sense to have that. I remember watching family shows that had a story each episode with a problem, a lesson, and an ending. You could miss an episode, an not quite worry about missing out on the plot. I miss the good ol' fun TV shows. Everything is all reality tv, competitions, and shows based on books. Did Hollywood run out ideas? Even movies are not the same (neither in a good or bad way but definitely seems like they are running out of original ideas.).

Legit Phone Calls - Phone calls aren't obsolete but they might as well be. No one can answer their phones or call you back but everyone has time to send you a text message or better yet update their statuses on social media. Ah, to be social.

Online Messengers - I miss IMing. Plain and was fun, it still is fun to me. But now, no ones on:-P #foreveralone So if you're ever on Google Hangout.... ^_~

My Mom's Homecooking - I suppose this is something that everyone misses from their own mothers. I thought I would add that in!

Family Get Togethers - I'm so far from home and flights these days aren't exactly expensive. I used to dread family get togethers but that is in fact why I miss it. Because I would go and people would catch up, some will bicker, and there would be plenty of foods and movies to watch LOL At least that what was going on my family. No real party games.... unless you were hanging out with the kids.

Vacations - Being an adult, yes you can go on more vacations than you can possibly imagine!! ... That of course depends on the sacrifices you make. Now kids/teens, when your parents want to take you on vacation, enjoy it! They worked hard to take you and to take themselves.... When you get older you'll understand. I guess I had been so caught up in my work especially the past two years that I didn't even think to enjoy a vacation. I mean, just REALLY enjoy it. I was caught up in making the MOO ($$), and just getting by. Even when my husband and I would take a so-called vacation, it was so planned... I never fully got to enjoy the down time. Here's to making up for it!

I sort of become distracted as I continue to try and type until next post!

Have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!