Wednesday, May 19, 2010

#13: Tumblr < 3

Who doesn't love it? No offense to bloggers fans out there but Tumblr is innovative and way user-friendly! I can even blog from the comfort of their FREE iPhone application.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

#12: Sunny Days.

Vitamin D, warmth, sunny, whatever you want to call it. Sunshine-y days are THE best! Especially if you live in a place that rains most the year;) *points to myself* yeah, that'd be me.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

#11: Hand-written Letters.

There's no better feeling than getting a note/letter/card the old fashion way.... that's right, via postal mail. Its more personal and its something to keep. It gestures that they took the time out of their busy life just to drop you a note out of nowhere. I love it, been writing a few still, every now and then for my dearest friends:D

Monday, May 3, 2010

#9: Photography!

What started as enjoyment, turned into a hobby, and slowly but surely revealed my true passion;)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

#8: Fresh out the dryer laundry.

Sheets. Sweaters. Pants. Warmth!

#7: Home and reminders of it.

Currently been living in Washington State for a good amount of years now. Enough years to be considered a "Washington" citizen, legally. But the truth in the matter is, I enjoy this beautiful state indeed though I will ALWAYS be a California gal. Nothing can stop me from representing my home state and nothing will ever change it. California is my second love♥ Being military, every now and then I'll meet someone from the same place and it'll make me miss it more. I love how I can relate so quickly to them. Oh California, how I miss you!!! I miss the people, places, and things...*le sigh*

YAY AREA for life♥

Saturday, May 1, 2010

#6: Random remarks.

"He sure has some serious man jugs!"

LMAO!!! You had to be there.