Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Words From The Wise.

I couldn't have said/wrote this better myself, so I really have to give MAJOR credit to my dear friend, Lecia (misfitcitizen.com). She is pure genius and genuinely right about most if not all things. And thus is a repost of her blog from 15 April 2011. Enjoy!!! ......

Once upon a time, not long ago, I was a daily “social networker”. It wasn’t until MySpace almost ruined my relationship that I realised how pointless and stupid social networking was. In more recent years I’ve even considered using it for strictly advertising and promotional purposes, but I’ve changed my mind and refuse to ever partake in that “movement” ever again.
It causes conflict between people, whether you want to admit it or not. Why? Let’s honestly face it: it consumes people. Have you not noticed that
, including animals, inanimate objects, celebrities, make-believe people, news programs, newspapers, and even states, have “profiles”? Everywhere you turn someone is always talking about Facebook and Twitter.
Wah, wah.. why didn’t you add me? Wah, o-m-g did you see what what’s-his-face tweeted? Wah, wah.. how come this bitch keeps talking shit to me? She MUST be jealous… Wah, I’m a bad bitch and take sexually explicit pictures when I’m “drunk” but don’t think I’m a ho.. JUST LOOK AT MEEE! Wah, wah.. why is my boyfriend’s ex still his friend and how come he didn’t delete her old comments?? Wah, my girlfriend changed her status to single…

And people have the audacity to get upset for being called a whore, bad parent, an awful friend, or something negative. Give me a fucking break! It’s like the saying, “Don’t dress like a ho and expect to be treated like a lady.” What you outwardly portray to people is what and who you are, whether you’re pretending or not- people take shit way serious. What business you CHOOSE to tell others is what business EVERYONE is “all up in”.
People are so consumed with it all that it’s all they ever discuss with one another, even what they use to solely communicate with one another… and I cringe to even think that people make multi-million dollar careers all because of how many friends, fans or followers they have. Sad thing is, people, moreso women, are so catty.. even celebrities are featured on the news about their “beefs”. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?
You know what makes the social networking thing even more dangerous? The infamous iPhone and the thousands of Apps, more than half of which are completely pointless (ok I admit I thought the Dispicable Me app with that giggling yellow thing was HILARIOUS and cute for like 3 minutes lol). Again, people are completely consumed by this materialistic piece of Made in China crap. Ask yourself: do you own an iPhone because you truly love the phone and its features, or did you buy it because it was the latest fad everyone around you has? Do you actually have a need for all the features, or is it just for looks?
You know what else irritates me? These stupid reading devices. Sure they’re pretty cool and convenient, but nothing beats the feel and smell of a book’s pages… Why can’t we take the time to appreciate what we already have as they are?
I remember a time even before FindAPix.com (what you know about that 2000 shit, bitches! lmfao) when it was all about creating your own website, actually learning coding and design. Now your creativity is no longer needed- just click a button and go!

Our highly evolved brains just continue to go to waste… The world digresses, but I refuse!

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