Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October Wellness.

This month I decided to participate in October Wellness month at my work. Its basically a goal set for the month to enhance/improve your wellness, whether its financially, mentally, physically.... you name it! I thought it would be really fun! Plus, my office is the first thing people see so I figure why not let people get to know a little about me! Here's what I decided to do:

1) To improve my digestive/immune system, I have decided to drink more water and less soda! Drinking 8 Glasses of water per day is the minimum that people should be drinking so that is my goal. (Its not that I drink more soda than water, I just don't drink enough. What can I say.... I'm an eater not a drinker:P)

2) To improve my financial wellness, I am putting away 5% of my paycheck into a savings to help with an "Emergency Fund". To save it for a rainy day, or perhaps to travel:)

3) I've decided to pool in inspiration and start snapping again. Snapping photos that is!!! I am quite a camera/photography/filmography afficionado but the past months I haven't done enough of it! I feel like I've slacked off with trying to just really enjoy life and its moments (before stuff like Myspace and Facebook ruined candid moments). Though will all that said, doesn't mean I cannot enjoy both!!!

So there you have it, my three goals of wellness.
Anyone else have any goals for this month?

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