Saturday, February 18, 2017

Journey to Simple.

I've always thought of myself of being a very simple person. I never really needed to spend money unless its on food or necessities. I don't find myself in dire need of shopping trip when there's a sale going on or whatever people seem to like to do all on the same day at the same time (😁). I don't need to update my home decor every season (or week or month like some unmentioned people). I'm content with what I have and that's how I have always been, its the person I grew up to be. Things are not as important as people. We should all remember that. But the journey to living a simple life is much more than that. I find myself realizing I've missed several steps along the way. That in reality, I am actually drowning in chaos in my surroundings.

I don't need anything trending in make up, but why do I have such a big collection of makeup. Because I haven't let go. The box that my family sent me through the mail with goodies, the goods are used but the box is just sitting there, piling up along with the rest of the boxes. Whenever I do get actual down time when I'm not working I realize how much material things I have accumulated over the years than what I had started with. When my husband and I first moved into our apartment, we started from nothing. We had this plan to be together and that was it. I brought as many of my things that I could from California to Washington, that fit into a rental car, that barely filled a corner space in our place. Fast forward years later and now I'm fighting to get a space for anything.

So more than ever this year, I have been really learning to let go. The Journey to Simple for me, is letting go. I have to let go of the things that gave me temporary joy. What I learned is that, all the years that my husband was active in the military and was away on duty, I began to fill that void with a temporary fix that came in the form of splurging for things that I want but never needed. After reading a bit of the Marie Kondo's book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I began to realize what is of importance to me now. And slowly but surely I have been cleaning away different sections in our abode.

Now, most people seem to start with clothes as that is what is suggested in her books, but I have found inspiration in starting where I know I don't have most of my attachments which have been (of course) my makeup/beauty collection a.k.a the items that I had splurged on over the years. You would think this would actually be difficult for me seeing as to how much I have added to my collection over the years but its the easiest because like I mentioned, I do not have attachments simply because I no longer wear much makeup.

Over the next couple of posts I hope to add in a bit of before and after maybe to serve as inspiration for those of you on the same journey with me. Thank you for reading this post if you made it this far:)

Until next time!!!


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