Monday, April 26, 2010

#1: My husband;)

Welcome to my new blog! For awhile now, I've been posting the "little things" that make me happy to my Flickr (on hiatus) & Facebook (which is currently deceased at the moment lol) accounts but I got enlightened when I found a tumblr blog simply for that persons liking of things that make them happy/smile. So I thought I would start one of my own. They won't always be in depth as this first entry but I hope you enjoy it and start appreciating the things that surround you in your life. Life is work, its real and its hard... But once you open your eyes to the good things, you can achieve anything and live a peaceful life at that:)

My #1 is my husband;) I suppose he isn't quite a little thing, but he's my sanity and my inspiration. He keeps me smiling and happy. When he smiles, I smile. When he laughs, I laugh... Well you get the idea. I really thankful to have met someone like him in my life. And to have him be a apart of my daily living, well... thats just the best I could ever imagine:)

Who's the person in your life that makes you happy?