Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#3: Little Pinnochio!

Pinnochio (born in Sept 2009), was pretty much my first kitten ever in my life. He was the only different colored kitten in his litter, all the rest were black and white. And while his brothers and sisters were getting adopted in pairs, he laid sleeping in his cage in the lobby. We knew we had to have him. We saved him, adopting him from the Humane Society in Tacoma, WA on the 14th of November 2009. He has brought nothing but joy in our life. He has even taken a brotherhood with our adult cat Bailey;) Instantly becoming cat buddies:D

We've had him for half a year now, and it wasn't until recent months, end of September he started to get allergic reactions of some sort. Scabs formed all over his ears above his eyes, changing our very energized kitty into a lazy, sad one. So we took him to the Vet, he had a Biopsy, and returned home in a cone. After two weeks of recovery, we had to make an emergency trip to the Vet yet again as he somehow tore a piece of his ear, even with his cone on. That day my husband decided that he would rather give him away or put him down.

I know its strange to say the least that I'm talking about a kitten but I believe in the better. A pet may not communicate with you as humans do but nonetheless if you give them shelter and food, they become apart of your family. I was never a cat kind of person. I grew up with having dogs as pets. I really wish there were some other way to the solution in keeping him but sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to. Pinnochio will always be a part of things that make me happy, even when he soon will have a new family:)

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