Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Guten Tag! I had one of the most amazing adventures this past weekend and although I am crunched for time at the moment I thought I would give you a sneak peek:)

Friday, September 16, 2011

5th Year Wedding Anniversary:)

Today is officially our 5 year wedding anniversary!!! Ahhh we made it:) And we'll keep on going strong!!! I cannot believe it... In fact I have no idea what to really say. I have waited for this moment and it has finally  come. I really feel that we have overcome a lot throughout the five years. We overcame my fear of starting a new life. We overcame the fears of moving in together (Although I don't think we even had much fear at all). We overcame all the years and holidays that the "Military Life" had kept us apart. And not to mention our own worst fears of ourselves and each other. This year in particular has truly been the best because he is here for every holiday... or everyday in general. It feels really good to have him home. I remember how it all began like it was yesterday. How I never had the intentions to find someone that I would spent the rest of my time with. But then I found him and all the pieces fell right into place. My husband is truly an amazing guy. And I hope that he doesn't doubt any second that I love him with all my might:)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

QOTD: 07 Sept 2011.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

– Jim Rohn

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

5 Tips To Land A Job!

I'm gonna be brutally honest with you... You know how hard it is to find a job. Well that's not even the hard part. Its probably doubled that these days. Companies are looking for capable workers but not those who overstep their their boundaries. Here is 5 tips that will help you narrow down your job search. Trust me....

Let's face it, you not only need a job but you need the money. And unless by some miracle you have found your dream job, you shouldn't be afraid to start at the bottom. What do you have to lose?

This is a definite RED FLAG. Why should a company hire you to work for them, if you are trying to set your own schedule???

Its true, hiring managers look at those gaps in-between your work experience. If you have a good reason then go with that, BUT MAY I ADD, be honest but DON'T TELL YOUR LIFE STORY. (IE; "Reason for Leaving: Because I had medical issues that allowed me not to complete my job."). Which leads to my 4th....

Save the stories for an interview. Its okay to leave brief descriptions in your "Reason for Leaving" section. We need to know your intentions but NOT YOUR LIFE STORY.

If you were consistent with how long you've worked and when. This actually is irrelevant.

And may I add..... Be courteous to others.
You never know who you will be interviewing with:)

PART II coming soon.................