Friday, September 16, 2011

5th Year Wedding Anniversary:)

Today is officially our 5 year wedding anniversary!!! Ahhh we made it:) And we'll keep on going strong!!! I cannot believe it... In fact I have no idea what to really say. I have waited for this moment and it has finally  come. I really feel that we have overcome a lot throughout the five years. We overcame my fear of starting a new life. We overcame the fears of moving in together (Although I don't think we even had much fear at all). We overcame all the years and holidays that the "Military Life" had kept us apart. And not to mention our own worst fears of ourselves and each other. This year in particular has truly been the best because he is here for every holiday... or everyday in general. It feels really good to have him home. I remember how it all began like it was yesterday. How I never had the intentions to find someone that I would spent the rest of my time with. But then I found him and all the pieces fell right into place. My husband is truly an amazing guy. And I hope that he doesn't doubt any second that I love him with all my might:)