Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Writer's Block.

Well Shit 2014 is long gone and now its 2015...
Who's up for a Life update???
No one.

I'm going to make one any how. Let's see my last post was about my Poshmark closet. I was on a cleaning out my closet kick but that kind of fell through. Now as far cleaning, I'm on such a WAY bigger project. Instead of Spring Cleaning its more of a project CLEAN HOUSE!!! The year of 2015, I didn't set any resolutions like I normally do. That was more of tradition. This year I have more of a Life Goal... Ready for it???....(Let's all say it together) TO LEAD A SIMPLE LIFE. What does that mean to me? Well, I've spent the past years caught up in all kinds of hobbies or obsessions with make up and reviewing products. Most times I never got to use them so a bunch of items just sit collecting dust. So now I'm wanting to clean space and only keep the essentials and things I enjoy. I don't want anymore of the clutter. So starting with my closet which has been a disaster, instead of having to choose from 20 shirts (for example), I'm going to pick my best ones and donate the rest. And then I'll move on to pants, short, sweaters, shoes, purses, and so forth. I'm pretty much over the Material world with ruling my bedroom.

Anyways, I'll be cleaning every bit of our place, one big area at a time. So nothing too exciting here. I've been working a lot and so has my husband. Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to just think. I would love to be able to vlog or something but as soon as I clean up the other little bits in my Life that are unnecessary I'll be able to make time for more of the things I love. Its sounds worse than it actually is LOL.

I've been rolling with the waves...going with the flow.... going on new adventures and just really enjoying the little things. And you should too:)

See you next post!

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