Thursday, March 17, 2011

Style Watch: Emma Roberts.

I don't know about you but I complete adore Emma Roberts fashion sense & style. Its simple, classic, and VERY wearable in your everyday life. Its not too loud but at the same time its bold. I found this very awesome website on Polyvore that showcases most of her looks. I love it!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today in Photos: Spring Cleaning Early.

• Greek Yogurt and Granola w/ Fruits & Nuts for a healthy breakfast.

• Target is starting to sell all the things I love. It's sucking me in:P

• Amongst the shopping I had to do today, I bought some organizing trays and storage tubs. And of course, some pillows to replace our old flatten ones! Ah the joys of new pillows lol

• Ran out of my usual makeup remover towellettes. These were on such a good sale...I thought I'd try them:)

Yeah, it was a chill day;) You gotta enjoy those days just as much as your busiest days!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Updates & Blog FaceLift

I'm so excited to say that I have stuck with a majority of my new years resolutions. And I had quite a lot!!! I mean, A LOT!!!! That I even made a video on my YouTube channel in hopes to encourage other people. New Years resolutions has been a tradition of some sort for my family during new years and I've always felt the need to be consistent with keeping my word. So that's what I do.

One of the biggest out of the bunch (and maybe I'll edit this later to list my resolutions) was to weed out the Social Networking. As much help as Social Networking can do for everyone these days it's also the opposite, it's one of the biggest problems. Especially with the younger generations. I think with that said they can usually speak for themselves but in case anyone out there can't quite wrap their minds around what the Cons of Social Network Sites are, here are a few words to help: Bullying. Addiction. Predators. (But I'll save my opinions on them for another day...)

It's insane. Many things can be misconstrued over the Internet and I for one have learned my lesson and am over it. The only ones I keep around are those that help my main interest in life which are a gallery or two for my photography, for my film/vlogging, and for my enjoyment of writing and sharing. I've happily nixed Myspace, Facebook, Livestream long ago but most recently I've been able to stop using Twitter and Tumblr.

Life is good:D

...Oh yes, and how do you like my new layout??

Thursday, March 10, 2011

To A New Chapter...

I am proud to say that after less than a month of my husband separating from the Army, and only less than a month of job hunting.... Last Friday he got one of the most important news of our lives...Of his life. It's confirmed that HE GOT THE JOB!!! ;D I am such a proud wife. I'm really quite ecstatic over his feat. Its a job he decided to take a chance on, put a lot of effort into landing it. I knew he could do it;)

What makes this really really awesome is that, just the day before I was asked if I would like to train in HR. And of course, I said yes! Heck yes!! I think it's a great opportunity and I'm very thankful to get the chance to be a apart of it. My training starts in two weeks:D

I feel very blessed.

AND at last note, for those who have been coming to read my blog since this one had started up, I hope you noticed the dramatic change. I started with putting some simple "Little Things In Life That Make Me Happy", which was a blog filled with posts of just that HAS turned into a true blog of variety... that is well, basically me:) I can use my tumblr for quick posts but here, I feel I could share life stories more better. I hope you all will take in the changes as my life has become more and more of a real journey into full adulthood (being married and all haha). And if you're new to my blog, WELCOME... official intro blog is coming up:)

"A Year Ago, Today in iPhone Photos"

Date: 10 March 2010
Weather: Warm, Sunny
Last Year I Had: Lighter/Shorter hair, thinner eyebrows, and experimented with eyeshadows.
Also: my husband was away a lot with the Army and our cat (at the time) Pinnochio developed allergies from something in our apartment:/

Today: 10 March 2011
Weather: Rainy & Windy
This Year: I have darker/longer hair, grew out my eyebrows, new obsession with nail polish art.
Also: my husband has since separated from the Army and is starting a new job. Our cat, Chunk turns 1 year old in April. We no longer own, Pinnochio, he went to a new home that he could happily live allergy free:) things change swiftly!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Target Goodies;)

Yesterday I found out that Target is starting to Clearance out their NYC Color cosmetics to make room for a new brand. And being the nail polish/drugstore product consumer that I am (and not to mention that I have a lot of NYC Color makeup), I totally couldn't resist getting a couple more nail polishes for dirt cheap! I'm a nail polish addict these days and I went with their reds. I'm a big fan of red nail polishes. I thought I'd also try some other few products as well.

As for the SDHC Card. That was a steal! 4GB at $12.99. Cannot be passed up, especially for a shutter happy gal like me:)