Thursday, March 10, 2011

"A Year Ago, Today in iPhone Photos"

Date: 10 March 2010
Weather: Warm, Sunny
Last Year I Had: Lighter/Shorter hair, thinner eyebrows, and experimented with eyeshadows.
Also: my husband was away a lot with the Army and our cat (at the time) Pinnochio developed allergies from something in our apartment:/

Today: 10 March 2011
Weather: Rainy & Windy
This Year: I have darker/longer hair, grew out my eyebrows, new obsession with nail polish art.
Also: my husband has since separated from the Army and is starting a new job. Our cat, Chunk turns 1 year old in April. We no longer own, Pinnochio, he went to a new home that he could happily live allergy free:) things change swiftly!!!

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