Sunday, March 13, 2011

Updates & Blog FaceLift

I'm so excited to say that I have stuck with a majority of my new years resolutions. And I had quite a lot!!! I mean, A LOT!!!! That I even made a video on my YouTube channel in hopes to encourage other people. New Years resolutions has been a tradition of some sort for my family during new years and I've always felt the need to be consistent with keeping my word. So that's what I do.

One of the biggest out of the bunch (and maybe I'll edit this later to list my resolutions) was to weed out the Social Networking. As much help as Social Networking can do for everyone these days it's also the opposite, it's one of the biggest problems. Especially with the younger generations. I think with that said they can usually speak for themselves but in case anyone out there can't quite wrap their minds around what the Cons of Social Network Sites are, here are a few words to help: Bullying. Addiction. Predators. (But I'll save my opinions on them for another day...)

It's insane. Many things can be misconstrued over the Internet and I for one have learned my lesson and am over it. The only ones I keep around are those that help my main interest in life which are a gallery or two for my photography, for my film/vlogging, and for my enjoyment of writing and sharing. I've happily nixed Myspace, Facebook, Livestream long ago but most recently I've been able to stop using Twitter and Tumblr.

Life is good:D

...Oh yes, and how do you like my new layout??

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