Saturday, December 31, 2011

31 December 2011, Last Day of the Year.

2011...had so many amazing opportunities for my husband and myself. I feel very blessed for all the time we've spent together, making up for all those times the military had him away from home. I had the most amazingly epic adventures with my friends who came up to visit...I overcame plenty of obstacles in my decisions and life...

Overall, this year was one of the greatest and challenging years of my life.

I'm so ready for more.
Lets do this!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What's In A Name? Part II.

Not a big blog post today... I just wanted to say,
 I officially registered my domain name:)  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Winter has officially arrived.

Here in Washington all the seasons come when you least expect them to. And this morning...definitely a drop in temperature. Seems 'ol man winter is here.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I guess you can say I've failed my "30 days of blogs". I was really pumped up to do it but I've become real busy that I haven't quite had time for much. I do apologize...once the holidays are over it'll be semi-smooth sailing and back to the grind. But until then, it'll be a blog here and there:-)

Happy Holidays to all!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

03/30 | 30 Day Blog Challenge

3. Where have you been spending your time lately? Three/Five/Ten years ago would you have expected to be there?

+ I have find myself spending a lot of my time at work lately. ALL I ever is work and most days I feel like I don't have time for anything else because once I'm done with work I just want to relax. I knew eventually I would be working but I never thought it would have the affect it has on my life right now. I used to work two full time jobs and never rest...never stopping...I would hang out with friends anytime.

I guess that's what happens sometimes. Life slows you down but eventually I'll find a good rhythm again:-)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

02/30 | 30 Day Blog Challenge

2. Who are you? In comparison to who you used to be. What made you change?

+ I feel I'm the same person, just wiser and more independent. I haven't really changed...I grew up. I still have the same dreams, same goals in life plus additional ones. I'm stronger and more driven yet laid-back. I remember little things used to bother me. But that's out the door...I've moved on in my life and I've learned there are certain things you shouldn't spend your whole life worry. I've learned that all people have some kind of good in them but you can't trust all of them. I've learned to appreciate the relationships/friendships in my life even they don't last. And I've learned to be comfortable in my own skin.

I'm still me and happier:-)

Friday, December 2, 2011

01/30 | 30 Days Blog Challenge

1. What happened today? If it was the last day of your life, how satisfied would you be with your final hours?

+ Today I did my normal bit of waking up, getting ready, and going to work. It was a very easy day, in fact in most cases I feel it may have been to easy. Afterwards I came home to relax and calm my mind. My husband and I had pizza delivery for dinner. I spent hours just alone to my thoughts in our room while he played some videogames...easy day.

On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being VERY SATISFIED), I'd maybe say 4, more satisfied than most. It may have been an easy day but it was filled with hard work and far from perfection. Spending the whole day with my husband, with family and friends would have been icing on the cake. But nonetheless I can say yes...having that my finals hours of today will be spent with my husband and our strange cats;-)

Just me.

Just me. by rarebliss.
Just me., a photo by rarebliss. on Flickr.

Just me.