Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TAG :-)

I stumbled upon this tag and I thought it would be fun to do! And its a fun way to get to know me... Feel free to do so too and leave a comment so I can read your own post!!!


What is [are] your current obsession[s]? ONIGIRI, KDRAMA/JDRAMA (Japanese and Korean Tv Shows), YOUTUBE, AND MUCH MUCH MORE lol ^_^


Do you nap a lot? I WISH... I NAP WHEN I CAN.

Who was the last person you hugged? MY HUSBAND :]

Which animal would you be? A WOLF.


What was the last thing you bought? A WARM FUZZY SWEATER.


What is your favourite weather? AUTUMN/FALL.

What’s on your beside table? I DON'T HAVE ONE YET:P

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? LONDON, ENGLAND... BUT THEN AGAIN, I MISS HOME, I MISS CALI, SOOO... I NEED A SUMMER HOUSE TOO LOL

Where are you typing from right now? THE CONFINES OF MY LIVING ROOM IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST B-)

A book you're currently reading? MORGANVILLE VAMPIRES SERIES.

What would you like to have in your arms right now? ANOTHER CUTE CAT LOL

What is your favourite tea flavour? GREEN/PEACH TEA.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? JAPAN!!!

What did you want to become as a child? AN ASTRONOMER.

If you could revamp the style in your town, how would you? LESS PAJAMAS PANTS OR SLEEPWEAR OUTDOORS. THANKS


What color do you find yourself wearing more often than not? BLACK AND BLUE.

What are three things that complete your day? MY CATS, HULU PLUS, AND MY HUBBY... HAHA



The rules are:
1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Father.

Last night as I was headed to bed when my brother gave me a call. I thought it was an unusual time to be calling but didn't think anything of it... That is, but until I immediately listened to his voice mail. He said, "Hi Jenny, Dad is in the Hospital..." I didn't even listen to the rest as I was in shock. It was late and I needed to rest.

It was 5:48am this morning when my mind began to race again. What happened? I remember I sent a couple text messages before I headed to bed. This morning I saw the responses, "Dad had a stroke" "Dad had a heart attack" "Dad collapsed and he's in the hospital.". It was reality and I'm still in shock. I tried to go about my morning. I was headed into work early to get the rest of my work done. Oh work.

As I pulled into my work's parking slot, I took a deep breath in and out. I could do this, I had to do this, I have to keep busy... I went in clocked in and sat at my desk, ready to start my routine (deep breathes in and out) and then my coworker came to ask me how my morning was going. All I could really do is respond honestly and I burst into tears. I was trying so hard to keep busy and be strong, sooner or later everyone wS asking me... I was jittery and couldn't concentrate. And my boss kindly sent me home.

When I got home, it was quiet. I sent a text to my husband and changed back into home clothes. I laid on the couch for two hours before realizing how hungry I was. I sat at the dinner table and called my brother and cried. My dad is in the hospital, back in my home state of California (as I'm 740 miles away from home), in an induced state of coma, sleeping in hopes of recovery and there's nothing I can really do.

The rest of my day went as followed:
- Finally ate something, instant noodle soup to be exact.
- Sat quietly contemplating about Life.
- Talked to my eldest sister (for 2 hours, trying to lighten the mood).
- Vacuumed the Abode.
- Laid down, quietly reading a book until the hubby got home.
- Hubby came home and I began to cry again.
- We sat for a good hour I'd say talking. Well, me talking about my dad and life...
- Tried to take a nap.
- My brother and sister called to update me on my dad's status.
- Finally exhausted myself and napped for a half hour.
- Cooked Curry Dinner with the hubby and ate.
- Watched a bit of TV.
- Bed by 8pm...

And here I lay, typing this up on my phone. I just had to document, to share, to explain. I've been worried and crying all day... And now I just want to feel hopeful. Hopeful that might dad will fight his way through. He's not ready to go... I'm not ready for him to go. God please hear my prayers.

My Dad is expected to be awoken tomorrow, he needs a heart defibrillator to live better.

Update soon......

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Android App Reviews.

I've always been fond of exploring apps for my phone and better yet most Android apps are free! So pretty much I'll go through a couple apps a week, testing them out and keeping the best ones:-)

Process by elimination.

If you are interested, please subscribe and come back soon! I test apps so you don't have to:-) Plus I don't mind it.

App Reviews Coming Soon:
Health & Fitness apps

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cute Kitty.

Not my photo. But soooo damn cute!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Stains.

These little babies remind me of the Chubby Sticks from Clinique! Very moisturizing lip balm and the benefits of a lip stain. Definitely worth a buy:-)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Farewell Tumblr.

I closed my tumblr account a couple days ago for good. I opened it a year or so ago because it was the easiest way to share blogs, videos, links, photos. I spent more time on there than here. But it slowly and surely became predictable. Posting/Reblogging photos of fashion, quotes, and memes. It became less personal and more of a trend. It became boring.
I stopped going on there and making posts and finally gave in to completely deleting it when I found out that someone decided to hack it...twice!!! Seriously?? Why don't people make their own account? Yeah well,so deleted it went. Goodbye Tumblr, I am officially over you.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tumblr Fail.

I don't know if its just me but I haven't been able to make posts on Tumblr. It says "post published" but my posts never make it. I'm so confused. Though I guess its okay. I haven't used my tumblr account much at all lately.

On the topic of that I wanted to post a photo that I enjoyed. Hope you do too!

P.S. I'm not a blogger...I suck at blogging...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Selena Gomez.

She looks beautiful in this photo. I think she can do way better than JB! Just sayin'!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strange Occurrences In A Parking Lot.

Every weekday I try my best to wake up early to allow myself time to get ready, make coffee, and head to work on time. See, I live by many schools zones a.k.a worst place to live because of traffic.

This morning however, I arrived 20 minutes early! That is such an accomplishment, much so that I didn't know what to do with myself! So I sat in my car in the parking lot and waited. Meanwhile, I found myself noticing a car that I see often. In fact two cars but they did not work here. Strangely they do park here. I recall often wondering who's car that was...since I saw it as often as I work.

The green car parked and a red SUV followed. All I saw from staring below the car a pair of legs and flats transfer from their car to the other. There was 5 minutes of nothing and then the car drove off...

I know its none of my business but I still wonder. Is it a frequent meet up for carpool?? Or is it something else?? Either way, by the time I was leaving work, neither car was there.

Food for thought:)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Infrequent Blogger.

I've always enjoyed the concept of blogging. An online journal for sharing your thoughts, opinions, dreams. Being able to say things that are easier written (or in this case, typed) than said. Sharing photos and memories. Its easier said than done.

With today's trends less really is more. Just look at tumblr and twitter. And its always a "like" ..."love"..."hate"... reply, retweet, repost ...RE -something! All personal touches are out the door. All extended conversations are acronyms.

Before I get sidetracked (though I think I already did), as much as I would like to blog everyday...or even every other day...or one a week! I never seem to find time to be as consistent with making posts here but I enjoy reading other blogs. When real Life doesn't take over:-) So if you find yourself wanting to see what I'm up to, view my links to my other creative outlets and of can find me on Instagram:-D

Oh how I love life!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

03 Apr 2012; Instagram for Android released!!!

Never felt so good to log back in;-)

As a former iPhone user, this is the only thing I've missed. I feel complete:-D

Follow me on Instagram: rarebliss

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Here's something...

That will make your heart feel warm and fuzzy;-)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pretty Little Liars.

Yep, I'm a fan...and I really think that Ashley and Lucy look adorable in their new Bongo ads:-)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mall Day; Sephora & H&M

My husband took me to the mall today! We had lunch at our favorite place in the food court and I also got to stop in to use my giftcards he had given me for Christmas at my favorite stores.

I'm a happy camper (^_^).

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snowed In.

Screen Capture from My phone<3

Oh you know, just freezing cold and SO MUCH SNOW... No biggie:-/

- Under 3 Pretty Damn Thick Layers of Blankets
- Running the apartment Heater
- Wearing sweatpants, hoodie, and fuzzy socks
- Trying to stay warm
- Trying to get back to sleep

- Stay warm
- Stay healthy
- Stay hydrated
- Think of what to cook for dinner tonight;-) 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow Fall 2012.

2011 was a great year...less rain, no snow. And then fast forward to the New Year. First snowfall was two days ago. Its still not enough to stick and despite the fact that I have no motivation to drive in it....Its still beautiful;-)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

01 January 2012; Cake Pops.

I told my coworker last week that I was going to make Cake Pops today...the first day of the year (mainly because my husband will have finally be able to have chocolate again to be a taste tester! Long story.....)...and I have! I'm quite excited.

I think I've done exceptionally well for my first try;-)

It was a lot easier than I had thought it to be. And I just love them ever since I've tried one;-)

What are you up to today???