Thursday, October 15, 2015

October Chill.

I suppose there's a sort of trend going on...Where I psych myself up to make new posts more often but I end up only writing a post once a month. Only I didn't post anything for September. It was a wonderful month nonetheless so let's do a bullet point recap shall we?

{September 2015}
> Busy Month
> Hours of Work
> 9th Marriage Anniversary :)
> Anniversary Trip to Disneyland!
> New job title/position at work
> Made a new friend:)

It was a wonderful month! I will be posting some videos of our Disneyland Anniversary Trip on my YouTube channel soon!

October so far looks like this...
> VERY busy work month
> Husband put in his 2 Weeks at his current Job
> My husband lands a new job
> Continues his flight school
> I'm swamped in work :-P

I'll be heading down to Olympia in the next couple days to help train some new associates for a brand new store. I am beyond excited and thankful to get to have this opportunity. My managers have a lot of faith in me and as an employee that's all we can ever ask for. That's it for now... Sorry this update isn't so glamorous. Its my day off and I have got tons of things to do and so little time.

Until next time!!!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Already August.

I suppose I'm not very good at updating this blog. My intention was to write every so often since updating in June and here it it... Already August. Almost the end of Summer. The past months have pretty much been a blur. June and July went by really quickly as they turned out to be very busy months for me at work. When I try to sum it up right now I can't even seem to remember half of the things that went on. I do know for sure that my husband has been progressing wonderfully towards his degree. He's been busy with studying and school work and has been flying a lot. Future Pilot right there:) I'm so proud of him!!

This month will probably be busy as well since we have some trips and events that will be coming up, I'm so ready and super excited.

Cheers<3 p="">-Jennifer

Thursday, June 11, 2015

New Look, New Outlook.

Good Morning! Literally. I'm not a morning person and I've never been (lord knows I try!) but by forces of nature I woke up before 8am today. I'm feeling quite proud. Seeing as its now 8:22am but that's besides the point. About a week ago my husband and I took a mini trip/retreat along the Olympic Peninsula here in the beautiful PNW. Our final destination (in fact most of our stops along the way as well) were a "no mobile service" area. It was very interesting and relaxing being away from social media, internet, and crowds of people. Something that we both enjoy quite often. During that trip, it reminded me to appreciate more people time. Time with loved ones. So much distraction in today's society and yes, technology has made so many things and ideas possible but we can't forget to enjoy Life, savor moments, and just appreciate the company you are with. I hope that more people start to get back into that one on one interaction with people.

Anyways, before I get sidetracked again :-P I really just wanted to say that I hope to write more blogs to document and be able to remember some amazing events this year. I already write in my own journal think it would be nice to actually get back into blogging. We'll see!!! No promises. This past month has been a whirlwind! Can you believe its already June??? That's half of 2015 already gone and passed us by. I really hope everyone is enjoying Life and being able to be your best selves. And just BE HAPPY!!! :) Okay, so essentially since this is just an update post I better do what I do best and make a list of good points lately. I'm no good making this even remotely witty or interesting. Best of Luck to all graduates this year too :):):)

What I've Done This Past Months:
- Explored more of WA
(I honestly feel like I have been to more places in Washington State than people who have lived their whole lives here. Case in point: This one lady told me she had never been to Federal Way. Its just 30 minutes away!!! WOW)
- Rode Mopeds on a Beach with my husband:)
(First time and it was EPIC!!!!)- Tried a new haircut
(LOB - Long bob with soft blended layers, I am LOVING IT)- Hiked a mountain in Central Oregon
(I cannot seem to remember the name of it apparently)- WORKED A LOT :-P
Umm....drawing more blanks lol (I need coffee)

Things I've Updated On This Blog!!!
- New Layout/Look
- New Title
- New Blog URL

Until next time....

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Writer's Block.

Well Shit 2014 is long gone and now its 2015...
Who's up for a Life update???
No one.

I'm going to make one any how. Let's see my last post was about my Poshmark closet. I was on a cleaning out my closet kick but that kind of fell through. Now as far cleaning, I'm on such a WAY bigger project. Instead of Spring Cleaning its more of a project CLEAN HOUSE!!! The year of 2015, I didn't set any resolutions like I normally do. That was more of tradition. This year I have more of a Life Goal... Ready for it???....(Let's all say it together) TO LEAD A SIMPLE LIFE. What does that mean to me? Well, I've spent the past years caught up in all kinds of hobbies or obsessions with make up and reviewing products. Most times I never got to use them so a bunch of items just sit collecting dust. So now I'm wanting to clean space and only keep the essentials and things I enjoy. I don't want anymore of the clutter. So starting with my closet which has been a disaster, instead of having to choose from 20 shirts (for example), I'm going to pick my best ones and donate the rest. And then I'll move on to pants, short, sweaters, shoes, purses, and so forth. I'm pretty much over the Material world with ruling my bedroom.

Anyways, I'll be cleaning every bit of our place, one big area at a time. So nothing too exciting here. I've been working a lot and so has my husband. Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to just think. I would love to be able to vlog or something but as soon as I clean up the other little bits in my Life that are unnecessary I'll be able to make time for more of the things I love. Its sounds worse than it actually is LOL.

I've been rolling with the waves...going with the flow.... going on new adventures and just really enjoying the little things. And you should too:)

See you next post!